Rapid Immunization Skill Enhancement (RISE)
“A blended-learning knowledge and skills building package for India’s Universal Immunization Program”
- Innovate
- Improvise
- Immunize

CBNA Dissemination and Brainstorming Workshop
A robust capacity building needs assessment (CBNA) is the first step for conceptualizing any effective learning and development intervention. For our project, Rapid Immunization Skill Enhancement (RISE) too, John Snow India had conducted one, with the help of an external agency. Interviews with learners and their first level supervisors gave us inputs on their specific learning needs, and discussions with senior district and state officials helped us identify broader areas of capacity building requirements. After completing the CBNA in all 5 pilot districts, a report was prepared and disseminated with MoHFW and all stakeholders in a workshop.
Under the aegis of MoHFW, the consultative workshop to disseminate CBNA findings was held on 8th August, 2018, at New Delhi. Participants from the five pilot states and all national-level development partners working on Immunization strengthening (WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, NCCVMRC, BMGF, ITSU, CORE) were present. The workshop was facilitated by the senior officials from the MoHFW and chaired by Ms Vandana Gurnani, IAS, the then Joint Secretary (H&FW). The JSI’s state and national RISE team also participated in the meeting. Along with the dissemination of the CBNA findings, one major objective of the workshop was to undertake a brainstorming to guide through the objective setting and content development process for RISE, and soon after, we begun curating the content for the 5 modules as per the outcome of the brainstorming exercise.

National Launch of RISE
After a year of hard work with two agencies contracted to support the development, RISE was ready with 5 e-learning modules (developed with support from Manipal Technologies Limited), uploaded and ready to be shown to all, in a very user-friendly and efficient Learning Management System (LMS)app (developed with support from DRC Systems). At every stage of development, a National Working Group (NWG) and 5 State Working Groups (SWG), one in each state, were consulted to ensure that the process is in right track with appropriate input from the experts in the immunization domain. Finally, it was time for RISE to be showcased to all and obtain a final Go-ahead with the roll out for the learners to start using it.
Under the guidance of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), John Snow India (JSI) organized a National Launch Workshop of the RISE mobile package, on 19th December, 2019. Dr. M.K. Agarwal, Joint Commissioner, UIP, along with the senior health officials from five pilot states, had launched the application. The event was attended by all partner organizations (WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, NCCVMRC, ITSU, CHAI, CORE, BMGF, USAID). Agencies supporting us in developing RISE (Content Development Agency, Manipal Technologies Limited and LMS Development Agency, DRC Systems) had also participated in the workshop.