Rapid Immunization Skill Enhancement (RISE)
“A blended-learning knowledge and skills building package for India’s Universal Immunization Program”
- Innovate
- Improvise
- Immunize

RISE State Launches
The National Launch of the RISE was followed by the launch at the state level on the following dates:
- Pune, Maharashtra 08 January 2020
- Chennai, Tamil Nadu 09 January 2020
- Bhubaneswar, Odisha 14 January 2020
- Shimla, Himachal Pradesh 24 January 2020
- Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 06 February 2020
In each workshop, we had senior state government officials, representatives of partner organizations and also program managers from the respective district of intervention. The impressive turnout was testimony that RISE was already a priority for the state governments and we had their support right from the beginning.
For the orientation of different cadres of health workers on the RISE app, the JSI team decided to follow a cascade approach. A pool of master trainers was invited in each state launch and oriented on the RISE App at the State Training of Trainers (ToT). The one-day program included discussions on technical component and a hands-on demonstration of the application. Training methodology was the same in all 5 state ToTs (PPT demonstration, live demonstration and hands-on), however, organizing and scheduling were different in each state. The people trained during the State ToTs were entrusted to further conduct trainings of health workers (the end-users of the application) in their respective blocks/planning units. The entire capacity building exercise was carried out in the months of Jan-Feb 2020.
We would like to acknowledge the wonderful work done by program managers who went on to successfully conduct block level trainings in each intervention district. It was their efforts and their facilitation skills that helped vaccinators understand the RISE app so that they were able to easily access each module and obtain their e-certificates during the implementation stage.
Himachal Pradesh State Launch

Dr. R. K. Daroch, JD Health
Services, HP interacting with participants

Dr. Hiten Banyal, SEPIO,
HP interacting with the audience

Mr. Faizan Ali, STC-RISE
taking a session

Senior government
officials,HP with RISE Team

Launch of the RISE package
in HP

State Launch of RISE,
HP-Group Photograph
Madhya Pradesh State Launch

Dr. Santosh Shukla, AD,
NHMMP addressing the participants

Dr. Rajat Garg, Program
Manager-RISE taking a session

Mr. Faizan Ali, STC-RISE
taking a session

Dr. P.S. Ganguly, Project Director, RISE,
JSI addressing the participants

State Launch of RISE, MP-
Group Photograph

Senior government
officials, MP with RISE Team
Maharastra State Launch

Ceremonial lighting
of the lamp

Dr. D. N. Patil, SEPIO, MH
interacting with the audience

Dr. Archana Patil, DHS, MH
taking a session

Dr. D. N. Patil, SEPIO, MH at
RISE State Launch

Government officials at the
RISE State Launch

Dr. Puskarr Deshmukkh, STO-
RISE taking a session
Odisha State Launch

Dr. Saumya Ranjan Mishra,
STO-RISE taking a session

Dr. Tapas Kumar Patra, SEPIO, Odisha
interacting with the audience

Government officials with

JSI Team at State Launch,

Ms. Seema Kaushal, Technical Manager,
RVVI interacting with the participants

Ms. Sohini Sanyal, Learning and Capacity
Building Specialist, RISE, taking session
Odisha State Launch

Dr. Amanjot Kaur, Program Officer, RVVI
interacting with participants

Dr. Kolandasamy, Director of Public
Health and Preventive Medicine,
TN interacting with participants

Dr. Rachna William, STO-RISE
taking a session

Launch of the RISE package,

Mr. Jaykumar Jha, Project Manager
Applied Technology, RISE interacting with

State Launch RISE, TN-Group